Nick Hellemans

Aloha! 👋


I am Nick, Product Developer, Builder, and Engineer from 🇧🇪.
Currently Head of Product at Awell Health.

The Blog

Learning-by-doing and doing-by-learning. I write down my learnings, insights, and mistakes as a future reference for myself. As a bonus, I hope they are interesting for you too.

March 10th, 2023

4. Team “Don’t F*** Up” and “Grow Quickly”

Product Development
Shape Up

When building product, we usually try to avoid reactive and ad-hoc work as it is an expensive distraction from what you are currently working on and the future you might have planned ahead. However, sometimes you might feel there is a need to add a “reactional” or responsive element to your product development process.

March 1st, 2023

3. Finding Your "Drumbeat" with Shape Up

Shape Up
Product Development

The rhythm of a drumbeat is a perfect analogy for the cadence involved in building a product. Similar to the beat of a drum, the product development process needs to have a steady, predictable, and consistent tempo. In this post, I formulate my learnings about finding a rhythm and tempo that worked for us and how we adapted the Shape Up methodology to have a drumbeat that is in sync with other instruments in the company

February 23rd, 2023

2. Shaping In Practice

Shape Up
Product Development

I am a big fan of Basecamp's Shape Up methodology to build product. Some would even call me a Shape Up evangelist. In this post, I would like to share with you a real life example of a pitch and how at Awell we are adapting the metholodogy to fit our needs and context.

February 22nd, 2022

1. How I got into Product


The background story about how I got into Product. A rollercoaster ride starting in my early teenager years and still going hard until today.